History, Education, and Technology: The Core of the American Experiment

“The approach I have outlined here-the study of the arguments about freedom of expression, about a melting-pot culture, about the meaning of education for an entire population, and about the ethics of technology-is not simply a theme around which to organize a school curriculum. I mean to say that this is a powerful story that is at the core of what America is about. The story says that experimenting and arguing is what Americans do.”- Postman ch.7

What is the American Experiment? Well according to Postman, if a teacher has not read significant works by empowered people throughout history such as: Thomas Paine, Martin Luther King Jr. and John F. Kennedy,


 subsequently they are incapable in his eyes of becoming educators, for history has channeled the American culture (132). With that said, history, education, and technology are all intertwined. Postman is critically connecting the importance of students adapting our patriotic system into the educational environment “but in steering clear of patriotism, educators miss an opportunity to provide schooling with a profound and transcendent narrative that can educate and inspire students of all ages (132).” I strongly believe that history is our education. As a young girl growing up I did not know what was to become of tomorrow, I simply understand what occurred yesterday and the day before. We cannot take on the present without having past measures that prepare us for the future. Postman takes on a challenge to express how a historical document such as the Constitution serves as our rights as people “does freedom of speech” include television (134).” Many would probably argue “freedom of speech” is simply what it is, regardless of how it is said; though what may be portrayed through media is not always authentic. Learning through history/education everyone is able to acquire an intelligible notion of the dissimilarity that is brought about when “freedom of speech” is confronted using media outlets as Postman says  “in our own time, the argument has shifted from the affects of machinery to the effects of electronic impulse (140).”


Add a comment February 21, 2011

Web: Are all things WEB etiquette appropriate?

Looking on the Web is like looking over the Earth with a magnifying glass, you will see everything, and what stands out will appear to be larger than life itself.-Brooke S. Ramey

The Web is composed of images, videos, written works, music and more. You are capable of gaining access to everything using the Web, because it of its wide-ranging affability. But, in many cases certain things are comprised and inappropriate for right of entry. This applies to terroristic plots/threats, explicitness, and harrying. In this world we live in, many of us often challenge the thin line between “right and wrong,” often causing great controversy. Just moments ago I typed into my search engine the word, bad; I received definitions, sexual pictures, movies titles and more. This submits implications of disorder and perplexity. And just think of the children who are exposed to such things through the Web. The proper etiquette of the Web should be dicussed more are, for the children of the world will have no chance on maintaining their innocence.



I found this article Editorial: “The Air is Full of People” written by Marc Truitt who expresses and examines Nicholas Carr’s thesis, which is:

 “that use of connective technology – the Internet and the web – is leading to a remapping of cognitive reading and thinking skills, and a “shallowing” of these mental faculties: Over the last few years I’ve had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neural circuitry, reprogramming the memory. . . . I’m not thinking the way I used to think. I feel it most strongly when I’m reading. I used to find it easy to immerse myself in a book or a lengthy article. . . . That’s rarely the case anymore (5).”

 Not only is this article implicating a change needs to be made, but reinforcing that technology is overpowering the human capabilities because we have limited them to what we see, find, and hear on the Web. It is okay to utilize the Web, but the Web should not be the certain focus of our lives. And we should always explore things for ourselves before confronting the Web first. And to establish a more child friendly and overall delightful Web experience, there should be set guidlines seperating “freedom of speech” from “privacy”, as well as  “harshness.”

Add a comment February 20, 2011

Wikis: Are they easy collaborations for all???

If you have not heard of a Wiki as of today then you are actually behind in technology. However, to say the least the United States of America is believed to be exceptionally abaft in technology compared to countries like Japan, Kenya, and China.

Through collaboration amongst Wikis is it possible for the United States to ever catch up with accompanying countries? This is an open-ended inquiry that weighs profoundly on the social order, as Wikipedia being known as the most important website on the Web (Richardson 55). Wikis are used to present knowledge on “all things” in our Universe. Each thing is defined as accurately as possible. Nevertheless, with Wikis collaboration is promoted to assure the accuracy of all information. Wiki known as a great writing tool is substantially occurring in the education settings. They include features that are designed to facilitate collaboration, which encourages collaborative learning performances.

Add a comment February 20, 2011

Little Brother:the Government,Technology,and What Privacy!

“I know just such a clueless person, and his name is Fred Benson, one of three vice-principals at Caesar Chavez. He’s a sucking chest wound of a human being (Doctorow 9).”In society today, this comment here along would cause a student expulsion from school or maybe even jail time. However, many argue that there is a very thin line between “freedom of speech” and infringing it. With the world in its controversial ways today, you never know the far-reaching extent of your small proceedings.

Little Brother tells the story of a couple of teens whose lives change forever. Ttypical seventeen year olds like Marcus Yallow and his friends; enjoy playing pranks, dating, ditching school and exploring the new world of technology advancement.  Marcus created a totally new identity while engaging on the worldwide internet, using it to contribute to message boards and amuse himself in games. There was this one particular game that Marcus and his friends found excessively remarkable. Was this illegal? Well, it is when a plot for a terroristic attack is implicated. How could a simple, fun game, end up with you being in captivity and questioned by the government?

You see the government strictly interfered with the privacy of Marcus and his friends, using web search programs such as Google to analyze their thoughts and mutual feelings.

Little Brother intelligently depicts the violation of human rights by the government, going as far to say “you’ll understand privacy as essential to security, not in opposition (369).”

Add a comment February 11, 2011

Facebook: Who really controls your privacy?


Add a comment February 9, 2011

Hiding Behind Technology:Is your privacy really private?

Add a comment February 9, 2011

Just a Thought!

Technology in the classroom is like any Mcdonalds’ Playhouse, every child wants to run right in and play around.

-Brooke S. Ramey

1 comment February 7, 2011

Wikis and Things……..

Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage, and those who manage what they do not understand.

                                                                                                                                              -Author Unknown

I have never used Wikis and until last week I did not know what Wikis were. Technology is constantly expanding and creating new ways to engage humanity, but we as a nation are not evolving with technology’s prompt progression. Many people still have complications with powering up a computer and connecting to the internet. Every day the web is enhanced to better accommodate society and their demanding acquisition of faster and more reliable communication. With that said, if you thought Weblogs were eccentric, but great at the same time then you are in for a thrill ride through a new technology application, Wikis.   According to Richardson “the word wiki is a short form of Hawaiian wiki-wiki, which means “quick” (55).” Not just quick but resourceful, Wikipedia enables the storage of human knowledge.  Although opened to everyone, published information is edited most prominently for authenticity.  With Wikipedia you have the collection of many to always keep the actuality of everything modernized. Take for instance; President Barack Obama became the first African American to become president in the history of the United States of America. However, the first post on Wikipedia regarding President Obama before he actually became president was posted in March of 2004 and since then has been modified approximately more than 20,600 times.  With the last time being revised on February 6, 2011 at 18:37. Richardson says “Wikipedia is the poster child for the collaborative construction of knowledge and the truth that the new, interactive Web facilitates (57).” Everyday thousands of people from across the world sit independently at a data processing machine, collectively working together to separate validity apart from factitious.

I remember being given research projects from my teachers in school, and many of them demanding my classmates and me not to use Wikipedia to acquire informative material. I never listened and always initially relied on Wikipedia first as a primary source in my study topics. Nevertheless, under no circumstances did I ever receive a letter grade short of a “B” on any of my projects. Wikis being used as educational instruments is commonly controversial across regions everywhere. However, I foresee that Wikis are the next McDonalds’ playhouses of the internet. Everyone will want to join in and have fun; giving their account of what something should be or how it should be. Wikis in the classroom allows for infinite creativity and the access of students to add their knowledge of any given person, place or thing. Kids are thought to know less of an adult, but this is certainly not true. Kids touch and do things we as adults would not even think about, because our minds are confined to set ways.

Add a comment February 6, 2011

Web 2.0: Making the World Unite in a Much Larger Picture!

Across our nation, and the entire world itself, political views are different, the color of your skin matters, and your education determines your societal status in life. However, I suppose one thing we would all agree on is that Web 2.0 has transformed our world into a massive communication pool.

Coming from a drug infested community, education was the least of my problems, survival ranked number one. Seemingly through the perilous periods, there became a way out of no way. You see, what my elementary and middle school could not provide textbook rationally, Web 2.0 offered it in a totally new aspect. I remember rushing to school early in the mornings to obtain a computer with internet, just so I could look for my mom a new home, and colleges far from where I lived. Because of our financial inability, my family was not able to obtain internet access until the late 21st century, which made group research projects and homework exceptionally complex for me. And if that was not stringent enough, try having dial-up service. Dial-up requires time to establish a usable telephone connection, and depending on your location, it could take several minutes.

Today I am able to utilize the Read/Write Web in countless ways just as Richardson book Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms describes it perfectly here “seemingly overnight, the Internet went from a text-and numbers-based research tool for the few to a colorful, graphic world of information for the masses (1).”

Today I use the internet close to five hours a day; researching, socializing, and discovering new things. As an aspiring educator, Web 2.0 will definitely play a significant role in the objectives and learning goals created for my students. Technology has become advanced and has unlimitedly established a social learning tool for everyone. Web 2.0 can be customized individualistically according to ones likes/dislikes, needs/wants, and overall character.

Let’s take it a step further and explore the things in my head. Let’s read what you are thinking! Well if this interests you a great deal then Weblogs are the ideal applications for you. Weblogs are like journals. They can be very personal or used for entertainment purposes. Though according to Richardson society has been slow to catch up with the technology progression, I can candidly say, with Weblogs, I think our literacy progress will take a turn for SUCCESS!

Add a comment February 2, 2011

SURVEY MONKEY: A Great Tool for Teacher’s

As a young and vibrant woman, I truly have a strong desire to impact my students in the most influential ways. As a little girl I remember so much about school and the many activities my teachers engaged my peers and me in. Surprisingly an inner city Atlanta school, which was located in a very violent and poor neighborhood, possessed a very fine computer lab, at least I thought highly of it. We would interact while playing reading and mathematical software games. And to give it a more personal feel we used headphones so we would not disturb those around us. Although, education is significantly essential across the board, I strongly believe how it is presented is just as important. Education has changed over decades and developed into this more modernized element. Many people refer to the “old way” of teaching as the best way, however with new generations and the advancement of technology the “old way” of teaching is no longer effective.

As an aspiring educator I will always look for innovative applications to support my students as they continuously engage in literary progress. However, one application on the internet grasped my interest considerably, it is called Survey Monkey. Survey Monkey seem so personal to me, and such a great tool to reach out to parents and students in your class. It is not an application that becomes repetitive, because you as well as others control the creativeness and its limitations. On the first day of class I would most certainly use this tool to establish a relationship between my students, their parents, and myself. Gaining an insight of how they learn best, their similarities, and dislikes would probably always create a much better communication window between student-teacher relationships. I would also use this application to assign learning partners in my class to assist one another with literary articulation through technology and textbooks. Survey Monkey is not utilized just for education purposes, but most certainly a great suggestive tool that give students a new perspective of life itself, just realizing how so many people may be the same or even different.

Add a comment February 2, 2011






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